Declaration of intent by ANORC (National Association for Operators and Managers of the Custody of data, information, and digital documents) to which Ineo srl has adhered, in the commitment to the development of an innovation that is conscious and respectful of the rights and freedoms relating to the person and to the data concerning that individual.

  1. Inclusion

    Technology at the service of people in the truest sense of the word. Investments in research for the development of technologies that can be a real "tool" at the service of the community, to facilitate the protection of fundamental rights, especially protecting the most vulnerable.

  2. Liberty and dignity

    These are inalienable principles, on which the development of a society, so "liquid", like the digital one, must rest. It is important that dominant companies share good practices for the proper processing of data, ensuring commitment to mutual respect and the protection of the community.

  3. Trasparency

    Guarantee at the base of every professionalism involved in digital. Everyone must be able to access the flow of their data in a clear and comprehensible way, as well as the main sources of information and knowledge, independently. Transparency generates confidence and, consequently, can bring even the most reluctant to make conscious use of the instruments.

  4. Engagement

    The participation of the community in the decision-making process discourages the creation of real “monopolies” of power, allowing a shared and a reasoned approach to the most sensitive issues of society. It is a process capable of generating an emotional bond, very useful for the spread of a European "common feeling".

  5. Responsability

    The sense of responsibility underpins the new Community approach to data protection and affects the entire management "chain". Institutions and governments in the first place, but at the same time also those who work in the production of goods and services. Only by dealing responsibly will we be aware that we have provided, by example, the opportunity for maximum dissemination of rights for the community.

  6. Impartiliaty

    A neutral approach should be adopted, and the free and independent circulation of information should be ensured, recognising the preponderance of the fundamental right to protection of personal data. This, also to avoid that the practices of profiling of behaviour, carried out by the dominant platforms, are used for the detriment of the rights and freedoms of the person with the risk of generating forms of censorship and inequality that impact on different aspects of individual and social life.

  7. Security

    Together with protection, data security is one of the key principles to be promoted for a conscious and confident community, discouraging the adoption of dangerous technologies and invasive practices.

  8. Equal opportunity

    Ensure compliance with the principle of substantial equality referred to in art. 3 of our Constitutional Charter, also applies to the digital society. Access to society’s information resources must be free and equal for all, through the development of interoperable and open platforms, strengthening the development of European infrastructure.

  9. Enviroment

    The lack of sustainability in the strengthening of networks, to maximise the circulation of data, is incompatible with the protection of the environment. Digital transformation must help the planet fight the climate emergency, eliminating the impact on future generations.

  10. European experience

    We must take account of our European experience and proudly use it as an expression of added value in an area, the protection of personal data, in which we have been educated. Make the ability to solve the countless cases of diversity and complexity that distinguish us fruitfully.

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