Digital services for omnichannel onboarding

We ensure inclusion and access to digital services through advanced tools and offer simple, omnichannel onboarding useful for identifying, managing, and contracting customers, with 1-minute real-time anti-fraud, KYC, and AML preservation.

Banking & finance

Provide the best experience while fully complying with KYC and AML compliance.

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Gaming & gambling

Verify your players to ensure maximum security and reliability at all times.

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Banking and finance

Offri la migliore esperienza nel pieno rispetto della compliance KYC e AML.

Game and gambling

Verifica i tuoi giocatori per garantire sempre la massima sicurezza e affidabilità.


Sostituisci procedure datate con soluzioni digitali per acquisire semplicemente documenti e firma.

KYB merchants

Identifica e acquisisci merchants digitalmente in 1 minuto, sia in presenza che online.

Pain Points and Solutions

High Churn Rate and Lost Revenue

Unsmooth and complex onboarding processes are the primary reason for customer abandonment in the initial phase.

  • We offer customized services to identify and acquire customers in 1 minute thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

Complex KYC & AML Compliance Management

Fully complying with ever changing European regulations while efficiently managing costs is often a challenge.

  • For over a decade we have been managing anti-fraud and AML procedures with certified solutions for secure processes.
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Choose Ineo

Our identification and onboarding procedures are certified at the European level and fully comply with the new EBA Guidelines on Adequate Verification.

We have been involved in anti-fraud and anti-money laundering for over 10 years and offer multi-layered oversight, from the automation of AI that enables real-time anti-fraud controls and management, to the expertise of a specialized back office serving our clients.

We digitize onboarding processes both remotely and in-person, certifying the meeting and thus documenting the work of their business network under AML regulations.

he flexibility of our solutions allows complete customization in building the process according to the actual needs of our clients, ensuring cost optimization and the best experience.

Conctact us

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Via Paolo di Dono, 149 Roma


Our staffs always ready to respond to your needs.
Call us at 0695222271, write us at ore use our dedicated page.

@ Ineo S.r.l.
P. IVA 11010851001